DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Police are trying to find out who taped a bulldog inside a trash bag and abandoned him in Des Moines.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nancy Pelosi, expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, se sometió a una cirugía de reemplazo de cadera ...
OAKLAND, Wisconsin, EE.UU. (AP) — Unos 264.978 litros (70.000 galones) de petróleo de un oleoducto se derramaron en Wisconsin, informaron las autoridades.
TIFLIS, Georgia (AP) — Una exestrella del fútbol se convertirá en presidente de Georgia el sábado mientras el partido ...
Bridgeport Acting Superintendent Royce Avery said the cash-strapped school system could save $10.5 million by eliminating 81 ...
Una mujer que acusó a los raperos Jay-Z y Sean “Diddy” Combs de agredirla sexualmente cuando tenía 13 años en una fiesta ...
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, EE.UU. (AP) — Un grupo de jóvenes de Florida afirma que la continua dependencia del estado de los ...
OCHOPEE, Fla. (AP) — Two airboats collided with each other Friday afternoon in southwest Florida, injuring more than a dozen people, officials said. The airboats were carrying a total of 33 people ...
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, EE.UU. (AP) — Donald Trump recibió al director general de Apple, Tim Cook, el viernes por la noche ...
The Masuk High School football team used a 27-yard field goal from Jackson Zylick with 4 seconds left to beat Windsor for the ...
HONOLULU (AP) — Bob Fernandez, a 100-year-old survivor of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, died shortly after ...
Keeping up to date on CIAC Class SS championship between Killingly and Sheehan, as well as Class MM between Windsor and Masuk ...