各方宣布了大规模土地恢复和抗旱防备的新承诺,例如“利雅得全球抗旱伙伴关系”吸引了 121.5 亿美元的资金,用于支持全球 80 个最脆弱国家建立抗旱能力,其中包括阿拉伯协调小组承诺提供的 100 亿美元资金。
The largest and most inclusive UN land conference wrapped up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Saturday, charting a path for global ...
مع تعرض موارد المياه والأراضي لضغوط متزايدة في المملكة العربية السعودية بسبب تغير المناخ والتصحر، يتم تشجيع المزارعين على ...
Farmers in Saudi Arabia are being encouraged to adopt new irrigation techniques as water and land resources are put under ...
Après deux semaines de négociations intenses, la conférence des Nations Unies sur la désertification, la COP16, s’est achevée ...
L’Envoyé spécial des Nations Unies pour la Syrie a souligné, vendredi, les nombreux défis considérables auxquels est ...
No país, uma em cada 4 mulheres já sofreu agressão de género; 41 casos de feminicídio foram registados entre 2023 até ...
Украинцы переживают очередную суровую зиму. Особенно сложно тем, кто живет на прифронтовых территориях – часто без света, ...
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday reiterated the need for accountability for post-electoral violence in ...
The UN Special Envoy for Syria travelled to Jordan on Friday for discussions on the tumultuous events that have seen a new ...
The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria has called for international support for the country as it embarks on ...