13/12/2024 - Mara Sánchez y el debutante Adam Prieto encarnan los personajes centrales de la historia sobre cómo un encuentro ...
Exploring the desire to have a child and to assert one’s gender identity, the Italian director’s new movie will screen in ...
13/12/2024 - Il nuovo film del regista torinese, che esplora il desiderio di avere un figlio e l’affermazione dell'identità ...
13/12/2024 - Everything Must Go de Arild Østin Ommundsen inaugurará el certamen, que incluye una sección para nuevos títulos ...
Screen Flanders, the Flemish regional audiovisual investment fund, has selected 14 projects, both films and series, for its ...
Tra gli altri lungometraggi di coproduzione europea premiati spiccano Little Jaffna, Songs of Adam e My Driver and I ...
La nuova collaborazione prevede due anni di profili Premium Video+ gratuiti, offrendo ai professionisti spagnoli maggiore ...
13/12/2024 - Le sélectionneur des Arcs Film Festival décrypte le Work in Progress qui se déroulera le 15 décembre et donne ...
13/12/2024 - L’événement est bien établi comme plateforme privilégiée pour mettre en contact les professionnels de la ...
The event cemented its role as a premier platform for connecting TV and film professionals across CEE, showcasing innovative ...
The Croatian animator talks fast cars, cramped spaces and cinematic revenge during Ljubljana's 21st Animateka International ...
The new collaboration provides two years of free Premium Video+ profiles, offering Spanish professionals increased visibility ...