The franchise's new prequel series Dexter: Original Sin premiered on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, December 13. It follows the 20-year-old version of Michael C. Hall's vigilante — played in this ...
Prequel series 'Original Sin' gives serial killer Dexter Morgan a new fate, and creator Clyde Phillips tells The Hollywood Reporter why: "The internet hated [the last ending]." ...
From creator Clyde Phillips, showrunner on the first four seasons of the OG series Dexter, Original Sin is set in 1991 Miami.
Dexter is truly a one-of-a-kind series and it had an unforgettable eight-season run on Showtime. The series, developed by ...
Dexter: Resurrection, a new sequel series, will reportedly take place in New York City and feature big returning characters.
Showtime has just released the first glimpse of Dexter: Resurrection. This new spin-off of the Dexter franchise is set ...
Exclusive: Clyde Pillips explains how Michael C. Hall's desire to return helped bring Dexter: Resurrection to life alongside ...