Over the past 14 years of conflict and crisis, more than 13 million Syrians were forced from their homes. During this time, UNHCR and its partners have been and continue to be on the ground in Syria, ...
After 14 years of conflict, recent developments in Syria have raised hopes that the world’s largest forced displacement crisis may finally be resolved, but the future remains uncertain.
As events in Syria have just unfolded over the past few days, the situation is rapidly changing and displacement dynamics continue both within the country and across borders, in a context that has ...
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is alarmed by the recent surge of people arriving in South Sudan in need of protection and assistance, with tens of thousands of people fleeing fresh violence in border ...
SANTIAGO DE CHILE – Today, by adopting the Chile Declaration and Plan of Action, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have renewed their commitment to solidarity, protection and sustainable ...
We live in a world where multilateralism has had little success, as the international community seems to be increasingly unable to resolve and prevent conflicts. We live in a world where mixed ...
Millions of people across the globe continue to be forced to flee their homes because of violence, conflict, and climate-related hazards. In fact, the number of forcibly displaced people in the world ...
In den letzten Jahren zählte Syrien zu eine der größten Vertreibungssituationen weltweit. Nach den Ereignissen der vergangenen Tage in Syrien verändert sich die Lage sehr dynamisch und UNHCR ...
Syrien ist an einem Scheidepunkt - einem zwischen Frieden oder Krieg, Stabilität oder Gesetzlosigkeit, Wiederaufbau oder weiterem Ruin.  Nach 14 Jahren Konflikt lassen die jüngsten Entwicklungen hoffe ...
UNHCRは、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)が掲げる“誰一人取り残さない”世界の実現のために、難民や国内避難民、無国籍の人々が取り残されることのない開発計画を重視しています。 SDGsの17の ...
تقف سوريا الآن عند مفترق طرق - بين السلام والحرب، وبين الاستقرار والفوضى، وبين إعادة الإعمار أو المزيد من الخراب. بعد 14 عاماً من الصراع، تجلب ...
어느덧 한 해가 저물어가고 있습니다. 2024년에도 유엔난민기구와 함께해 주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 여러분의 따뜻한 마음과 꾸준한 지원 덕분에 올해도 수많은 난민들이 안전한 ...