Marco Schwarz kehrt am Sonntag im Slalom von Val d‘Isere nach fast einjähriger Rennpause auf die Weltcup-Piste zurück. Der ...
We know that the fisherman's shoes are big. But so are those of the Cardinal and Archbishop of Vienna. Like Franz Cardinal ...
Es handelt sich um einen syrischen Ableger des Terrornetzwerks Al-Kaida, der nach eigenen Angaben aber seit 2016 keine ...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Saturday that the White House had made contact with the Islamist HTS ...
Vonn races with an artificial knee joint Vonn, who has been plagued by many injuries in her career, now skis with an ...
Die Feuerwehr Scheffau, Polizei und die Rettung mussten am Freitagnachmittag ausrücken, um einem verunglückten Pkw-Lenker auf ...
His diary was already full to bursting: In the last "Steirerkrone" interview, Hannes Androsch, who passed away this week, ...
Seit fünf Jahren schon steht der Hülgerthpark in den Schlagzeilen, damals war noch Jürgen Pfeiler (SP) für das Heim verantwortlich. Etliche Ausbaupläne folgten, die Kosten wären bei 20 Millionen Euro ...
The standstill at the municipal retirement home in Hülgerthpark finally came to an end in the New Year, with Caritas taking ...
No, not Donald, but her own mother. No person has had more influence on Melania's life than her Styrian mother. She had an ...
The majority were recorded in the area around Qalamun, around 90 kilometers north of the Syrian capital Damascus. Since the ...
With the score at 1:1, Drewes took too much time in stoppage time to take a kick. He was shown a yellow card for time-wasting ...