Founded by Dr. Jane Goodall in 1991, Roots and Shoots is a youth-led global community action program aimed to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for animals, ...
On November 30, a Long March-12 carrier rocket successfully sent two experimental satellites into their planned orbits from Hainan Commercial Spacecraft Launch Site, China's first commercial ...
Introduced in 2013, the BRI has played a crucial role in promoting a shared vision of peaceful development, win-win cooperation and mutual prosperity, said Thong Mengdavid, a lecturer at the Institute ...
This was Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's message to the 20th Beijing-Tokyo Forum held in Tokyo, Japan, from December 3 to 5.
The global supply of high-end chips is expected to tighten further. From global perspective, new restrictions by the U.S. reveal the fragility of the semiconductor supply chain and the profound impact ...
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) is ranked third on the Top 100 journals list of science journals and first in Earth Sciences journals, according to the 2024 Report on the International ...
南水北调东中线一期工程全面通水十年后,今天生活在北京的居民打开水龙头,每一滴水中都有70%来自汉江。源源不断的汉江水,逐渐汇入北京的大小湖泊,密云水库的蓄水量逐年刷新,北京平原区的地下水位从20年前下沉40米到目前累计回升13.68米,地下水超采区基 ...
新华社北京12月15日电 12月16日出版的第24期《求是》杂志将发表中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平的重要文章《深入推进党的自我革命》。
乌恰风电场坐落于我国最西端帕米尔高原上的新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县境内,风机安装高度在海拔2800米至3300米之间,共安装31台单机容量5兆瓦、7台单机容量6.5兆瓦风电机组,配套建设50兆瓦/200兆瓦时储能系统。项目全容量并网后,年发电量 ...