The franchise's new prequel series Dexter: Original Sin premiered on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, December 13. It follows the 20-year-old version of Michael C. Hall's vigilante — played in this ...
Prequel series 'Original Sin' gives serial killer Dexter Morgan a new fate, and creator Clyde Phillips tells The Hollywood Reporter why: "The internet hated [the last ending]." ...
Dexter is truly a one-of-a-kind series and it had an unforgettable eight-season run on Showtime. The series, developed by ...
Dexter: Resurrection, a new sequel series, will reportedly take place in New York City and feature big returning characters.
Original Sin ” tries to have it both ways. Not only does the 10-episode season — advance screeners of which were not provided ...
From creator Clyde Phillips, showrunner on the first four seasons of the OG series Dexter, Original Sin is set in 1991 Miami.
Showtime has just released the first glimpse of Dexter: Resurrection. This new spin-off of the Dexter franchise is set ...
Exclusive: Clyde Pillips explains how Michael C. Hall's desire to return helped bring Dexter: Resurrection to life alongside ...